Java > Mutual Authentication For ActiveMQ with Spring Mutual Authentication For ActiveMQ with Spring. Amq:broker useJmx="false" persistent. Embedded ActiveMQ Broker with Mule. Broker id="amq-broker" useJmx="false" persistent="false. By default, Fuse Message Broker uses the AMQ Message Store to persist message data. Configure a RabbitMQ broker using XML. Hi, Can anyone please help me how to configure a RabbitMQ broker using XML?I have an ActiveMQ broker and it is Configured as. Persistent store, and temporary store that a broker can use. ActiveMQ: Understanding Memory Usage. If you want to use your own JMS setup, you can, just replace the amq: It's easy to unit test with, because of its support for embedded broker.
How are messages stored by ActiveMQ? ("target/amq-in-action/kahadb"). Confused! This works (as expected): . Configuring ActiveMQ transactions in Spring. JMS Broker for testing purposes -->